Question: What is parthenogenesis?
Answer: Parthenogenesis may be defined as the development of a new organism from an unfertilized female gamete.       

      The process of parthenogenesis is found in insects such as aphids and wasps. In aphids female offsprings are produced from their unfertilized eggs by parthenogenesis. In wasps the unfertilized eggs give rise to male offsprings.        

    The process of parthenogenesis is not restricted to animals only. It is also found in plants. Several plants such as grapes and banana are produced parthenogenitically without the help of fertilization. Such fruits which are produced by parthenogenesis are called parthenogenetic fruits. Usually these fruits are seedless.

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Science Quiz Competition 13:

prepared by

1. In Photosynthetic process, atmospheric carbon dioxide is _______ to carbohydrates
a) oxidised
b) Reduced
c) Neutralised
d) Burnt

Answer: b

2. When water enters the guard cells the stomata
a) Opens
b) Closes
c) Open or closes
d) No effect

Answer: a

3. On seeing good food our mouth waters. This fluid is actually
a) Water
b) Hormone
c) Enzyme
d) None of the above

Answer: c

4. The enzyme Pepsin is inactive in stomach without the presence of
a) Nitric Acid
b) Hydrochloric acid
c) Acetic acid
d) Butyric acid

Answer: b

5. Villi present on the inner lining of the intestinal wall
a) Secretes enzymes for digestion
b) Secretes hormones
c) Decreases the surface area for absorption
d) Increases the surface area for absorption

Answer: d
Science Quiz Competition 12

Question 1: The three Rs to save the environment are
a) Remember, Reduce, Reuse
b) Recall, Reduce, Refund
c) Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
d) Reduce, Refund, Reuse

Answer: c

Question 2: Wild life includes
a) Wild animals only
b) Wild plants only
c) Wild plants and animals
d) All plant and animals

Answer: c

Question 3: A potted plant kept in a room tends to bend towards the direction of light. This movement is called
a) Photographism
b) Photonastism
c) Photoperiodism
d) Phototropism

Answer: d

Question 4: If one neutron is added to helium nucleus, the result is
a.       Lithium
b.      Helium
c.       Hydrogen
d.      Carbon

Answer: b

Question 5: Reaction of a substance x with alcohol in presence of acid as a catalyst produces fruity smell. X is a/an
a.       Aldehyde
b.      Carboxylic acid
c.       Ketone
d.      Alkene

Answer: b

Science Quiz prepared by
Science Quiz Competition 11:

Question 1: The tendency of an element to attract a shared pair of electrons towards itself is called _________?
Question 2: In modern periodic table all elements are arranged in increasing order of their ____________?
Question 3: Those elements which have same number of neutrons in their nucleus are called ____________?
Question 4: The repetition of elements of similar chemical characteristics after some interval in periodic table is known as ________?
Question 5: Which group of periodic table is also known as chalcogens?

Answer 1: Electronegativity
Answer 2: Atomic number
Answer 3 : Isotones
Answer 4: Periodicity
Answer 5: Group 16